MUSIC : MR JAYVIC & KOMO - Music Business @JayvicOfficial & @KomoOfficial The most highly anticipated joint release single 'Music Business' by UK based Nigerian artists Mr Jayvic andKomo is OUT NOW. Talk about starting 2014 with a bang, this sure-fire hit single will surely get you dancing; expect loads of energy, hype, and get-up-and-move your body sound. Mr Jayvic met-up with Ayobeatz to make this record late 2013 and at 2014, Laying out an amazing vocal on the hooks and decided to shout out to Komo to partner on the track, just how phyno reached out to olamide on the track "Ghost mode"Ayobeatz also thought it was a wicked idea for the uk Artist Mr Jayvic who originally was born to Igbo parents and Komo to Yoruba parents, to come together on this track,The uk needed that same kind of fusion, this was how the collaboration came about Music Business Produced by the one and only multi talented hit makerAyo Beatz; whose work credits in Dj ironik, tinie tempah, R&B superstarOmarion, Dru Hill, and many more, this song is set to be a smash hit. Music Business is equipped with a flawless blend of Afrobeat and Hip-Hop, dripping with good vibes, and it surely will put the listener into a party mood. Mr Jayvic and Komo have constantly been shaking up the UK Afrobeat scene for the past year now, with catchy singles like 'I Love Africa' by Mr Jayvic and 'African Woman' by Komo. Now they've come together to create a sound that will surely show the industry that they've honed their craft and proven their selves worthy of embrace in the Afro-beats scene. Twitter @JayvicOfficial & @KomoOfficial DIRECT LINK
MUSIC : MR JAYVIC & KOMO - Music Business @JayvicOfficial & @KomoOfficial
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