Music: Egbega - Nate [@NateVibe] 

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One of the unique vocal prowess discovered in the Gospel music genre is set to unleash the mysteries of God's love, faithfulness and salvation through music.

Nathaniel Edoka Adoyi with stage Name "Nate" spent early years of his life developing his talent and defining his music style. At early age, he became a cynosure of all eyes and turned out to be pastors' favourite leader of the church's praise and worship team. He is dynamic with his vocal skill in gospel high praise and trending dance steps.

Nate has shared stage with great international and local gospel artistes, like Oluwadare Oluwole (Maryland, USA), Chris Morgan (Nigeria), mentioned but the few. His mission is to bring a perfect blend of the gospel old school genre and urban gospel music.

Nate's uniqueness and knacks cut across music, and has been an identified icon in Information Communication Technology (ICT) sector, this has ensued him as one of the foremost ICT consultant to academic institutions and business organizations in Nigeria.

As a vibrant young man, he also exhibited an outstanding leadership skill, serving as the President of a youth development body "The Singles PLUS". His achievements in this body are innumerable. Nate is leaving no stone unturn to fulfill his God's given vision and purpose. His first Single, 'Egbega' is a fusion of Yoruba, Idoma and English language which is set to put a new Song in your Mouth, Dance to your Feet and lyrics to praise.





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