Exnel - Ego Mbute

by 19:04 0 Leave a comment
Exnel popularly referred to as the Aba First Son, is proud to release his debut single as a solo artiste titled ‘Ego Mbute’. The fast-rising act, who recently split from the group also known as EXNEL and also floated his own outfit known as ‘OneTouch Records’ has decided to bring his A game to the table, fueling the suggestions that he was actually the spearhead of the disintegrated group.
His debut solo single #EgoMbute, comes in time
for the yuletide season, as the song will definitely buzz a legion of speakers and light up a lot of dancing floors, big and small. It has a semblance of a gyration/worship/afrobeat, fusing an element of several instruments to produce a unique sound that will make you pirouette. In all honesty, this deserves some credit, definitely a song you need to hear, and dance to. #EgoMbute has been receiving heavy rotation in the last 48 hours since it was released on air on radio stations around the country.

Fast-tempo, versatile instrumentation, and produced by a top-notch producer, the highly anticipated #EgoMbute will make you, think, dance and appreciate.

Download, listen and give your reactions. Wishing you all the best this season and in the new year!!




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