State of the industry @amazingDIPP enigma naija.jpg

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Popular RnB sensation and dancing superstar @amazingdipp in an interview with enigma naijas @sirbentleykun had a little something to say on the state of the nigerian music industry.
Find out exactly what....

What's your favorite song of all time?why?
I don't have a favorite song, there a tons of songs in different genres I like.
What do you or would you hear in a song that would make you go "oh! That's a great song"?
once again its difficult to answer because I like not only great lyrics but a good melody. and that differs with each genre.
--> ok then, what are your criteria, if you have any for working with obscure(upcoming) acts?
Be talented, be sure of yourself! That's all!
--> a lot of up coming acts want the opportunity to work with you and artistes of your calibre... What do you say to them?
Be sure of yourself!
You had a silent period before your latest track 'balance for me', what happened?
Nothing, I just took a break.

Ok so How did you come up with that track 'balance for me'?
was a very talented producer and artist named selebobo in the East, we worked together on a couple of records and the idea was to get me out of my "comfort zone" and try something new!
 --> how did you get to meet selebobo for the first time?
He featured me on a track and thats where we kicked it off!
--> Who is and do you have a girlfriend/woman friend/fiance?
working on that, but none at the moment.
--> You must have an Industry crush, who is it? Why?
Don't have one! However, there are a couple of sexy Ladies there. Definitely too old for crushes.
--> give us a scoop, which female Nigerian act have you gone on a date with? Was it innocent ?
I'd like to keep that part of my life private thank you very much!
--> your welcome, in that case this may seem like an off question but your a tall handsome guy, (no homo) would you, do you, have you ever slept with a groupie/fan? Your guys wanna know!
Like I said before, private. However, even though I may have some of the most beautiful female fans, I never take advantage of them but only treat them as they want to be treated.
--> alright! Back to you. You just finished the video for Balance for me' What can we expect to see in your new video?
As you've heard the unexpected song its only right to get an un-expected video. lol! just watch, it'll be different from what I conventionally do.
--> Comments on the state of the industry???
Its Growing at a rapid rate. its more rewarding than it was in the previous years!
--> One more thing... Lyrics vs Beats (as per the industry today) comments please. Beats and anyone that can typically create a melody on it (it seems you don't  have to make total sense)
Una don Hear am!? Make una dey do sweet beat.
Until Till next time don't forget to share this with your friends and subscribe to get latest posts on @amazingdipp and a host of others



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