NOMORELOS LIVE! Faces @ Hennesey Bar crawl

by 07:35 0 Leave a comment
It was a night of fun, Excitement and live music this past Saturday as Rodisso bar hosted Nomorelos live! the event which is targeted at giving young musicians a platform to showcase their talent saw a host of celebrity guests... Co hosted by Normorelos and Omobaba (the comedian) guests danced and sang along to their favorite songs performed live by a number of talented singers..

Its Nigeria's own Ventriloquist, (he ditched Dog tonight)
Lady Umuke
DJ Gosporela

Nomoreloss serenading a young couple

she's agreed to marry him

Now, A whole lot more happened that night that made quite a spectacle, even brought tears to the eye.. wheew what an eventful night. I assure you the following pictures will tell you all the gist. no worries..



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