What do men want?

by 12:41 1 Leave a comment
One day A fustrated lady wrote...
Men!!! Men!!! Men­!!!
So complicated,
So confusing,
So hard to please.
If u try 2 pls dem, u re cheap.
If u make love (sex) to them, u're a Love Peddler.
If u don't, u re playing hard to get.
If u show dem u love dem, u're too emotional.
If u don't show it, u don't love dem.
If u give them attention, u're bugging them,
if u don't u're with other men.
If u demand for attention u're a nagging woman,
if u don't u're not understandable
If u dress sexy, u're attracting other men
If u don't , u're awkward & local.
If u cook & wash their clothes u're desperate
If u don't, u're not a wife material.
If u go to club/party, u're too exposed
If u don't, u're naïve.

If u re beautiful, u can't stay wit 1 man
If u're ugly, u're not up to standard.
If u're independent, u're chasing men away
If u're dependent, u're a liability:
If u try 2 satisfy dem in bed, U're a sex addict
If u don't, u're making sex boring.
If u'r pregnant, u want to trap them:
If u're not pregnant, u're not a woman or might hv damaged ur womb
If u ask men for money U're too demanding
What do men really want?
Does that mean they don't even know what they want? Or
They can be so annoying!!!
GOSH!! please, answer dis question:
if u are a man pls be sincere,
In response to this.. I said;
Sometimes we just don't want to talk. Don't take it personally.
2.We notice other women because we are men and we are alive. This does not mean we're planning to dump you and jump them.
3.Our favorite T-shirts are not"disgraceful."They show our loyalty to our college, our favorite sports team, our favorite beer, our favorite vacation or number 23.
4.Helpless is not cute.
5.Get to the point.
6.Understand that men are single-minded and can only do one thing at a time. So don't talk to us while we're doing something. We will either ignore you, because we don't hear you"honestly), or we'll screw up what we're doing because you've distracted us.
Exception to Rule 6. Interrupt us if something is on fire, if someone needs immediate medical attention or if there is an emergency that needs a hero.
7.You can't complain that there are no good guys around while some of us are still single.
8.If you ask us,"Do you think she's prettier then me?"we just might say,"Yes."Then what are you going to do?
9.Don't expect even a great relationship with us to solve all your problems. Just because we love you, doesn't mean your cellulite, your credit card debt or your bad mood will disappear.
Over to you men, your comments, please!



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