Johnny Go Slow

by 14:10 0 Leave a comment

Lmao! I saw this on the internet and I just had to blog it.. What do yall think?

On Christmas Day, President Goodluck Jonathan, for the second time in six months, admitted that his administration is slow as far as the decision making process is concerned. His excuse for the administration's tardiness stemmed from the need to think through policies in order to avoid costly mistakes that may be difficult to reverse. In July, the same president blamed the Boko Haram insurgency for the slow pace of his administration.

Given his penchant for moving at a snail's pace, we shall give him the sobriquet, Jonny Go-Slow. It's a throwback to a similar nickname, Baba Go-Slow, coined for <( Mr. Michael Otedola, who as governor of Lagos State in the 1990s, was also known for his slow pace of governance.

But if you asked me and a host of other Nigerians, Jonathan and his administration is not just slow, it is frustratingly weak and indecisive. The president's tardiness and inability to take action is not just glaring in his style of governance, it is evident in his limp handshake that depicts him as a man uncertain of himself and his environment.
Expectedly, the president's most recent excuse for his tardiness drew flak from the opposition and civil society groups. Those who didn't have a voice just shook their heads in disappointment at a president who looks for every excuse under the sun for his shortcomings. Some attributed Jonathan's underwhelming style to the fact that he stumbled on power and remains unprepared for governance. I disagree.



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