Terific Insightz Presents:
TTP (terific tees party) D hottest and Most anticipated Tshirt Launch/Pool side Party
Date: 13 : 1 : 13
Venue: F&G Suites (pool Side),Ade Akinsanya, Off town planning. Rd ilupeju, Lagos.
Time: Red carpet starts from 2pm - Dawn
For Your Tshirt Bookings or Sponsorship Contact;
Gen Papuzie. 08163884683. 26c0e67a
Frank. 08069234501. 2810b34b
Kendo. 07031229947. 22F848C4
Come on and Let's make this a memorable one.....
Gen Papuzie
For : Terific Insightz ( TINZ)
Kindly RE-ECHO ))))))
Suported by WFmC | Enigma Naija
Terrific Tees Party pool 13:1:13
DeveloperCras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Curabitur blandit tempus porttitor. Vivamus sagittis lacus vel augue laoreet rutrum faucibus dolor auctor.
Yeah amma be there poppin ace of spades####breegz said so#strictly champagne...if u aint got no money take ure broke ass home
ReplyDelete..don't be oppressed
Book your tees now!! 2k equals ticket and free Teeshirt