Cossy De Madt oh!

by 03:16 0 Leave a comment

She's known not to care at all about how people think about her. We are even of the thought that,  she does what she does for want of attention. But can we blame her? If this is the way for her to trek to stardom then it's her call. Some come into the world for some specific reason(s), maybe hers is to shock everyone, if the shock value is to her advantage, then more grease to her elbow. They say she's super rich with all her antics and what some have tagged shenanigans.

We are sure that if her stock is not attractive, we don't think she would have continued. She recently went on the social media again to release some outrageous and very revealing pictures, whether in good or bad taste, it's not for us to decide. For twitter to allow, it must mean it's not in violation of any code.

Check out a day in the life of Cossy, maybe the idea is to be Nigeria's own Rihanna or even Beyonce. The 2 superstars were recently on the covers of some magazines, in several stages of semi-undress, so if it's not a problem for them, why should it be for Cossy.

We are even of the thought that since she's been releasing such risque pictures her followership might have quadruple several times over.



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