Sony Play Station2 discontinued!

by 10:09 0 Leave a comment

Worldwide production of the PlayStation 2 is finally at a halt after almost 13 years. Sony confirmed to The Guardian that, following the recent news of it being discontinued in Japan, the best-selling home console ever is now no longer being manufactured.

Sony boasts total software sales for the console of over 1.5 billion, in addition to more than 150 million PS2s sold. Rivals Nintendo and Sega barely shifted more than 30 million units of the GameCube and Dreamcast put together. It's unlikely we'll see a console dominate its generation so resoundingly ever again.

he era of the PlayStation 2 is officially over. We recently heard that Sony had ceased production of the sixth-gen console in Japan, and the hardware maker now confirms to The Guardian that, just a few months shy of its 13th birthday, the end of the PS2's life is official and global.

The console's decade-plus life span is one of the longest among video game consoles, rivaling the 13 year life of Nintendo's Super NES in Japan. Sony's 10,000-strong PS2 library (as of 2011) combined for a total of more than 1.5 billion game sales over the course of the console's life, as well as more than 150 million consoles sold.

It's a sad, though not unexpected, development. Why don't you take a moment today to share your fondest PS2 memories in the comments below..



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