So the popular American rapper has added yet another Tattoo to the plenty he has all over his body this one on his forehead.
It would seem that this latest addition is as a result of the rappers affinity for skate boarding.

I really don't know what to say about Lil Wayne's new tat, so let's see what some of the commenters said about it on his website, on the page it was posted…
'he done took this tattoo game and skateboarding shit too far now'
'cmon wayne NO just NO !! :/'
"fuckin tattoe at a fucken fuckin wrong part man, that shit looks cool, but not in the face, come on Tunechi!!"
Yeah, that pretty all pretty much sums it all up better than I could.
The tat, meanwhile, is apparently the logo of some skateboard company. Not sure if that makes this better or worse. Probably worse.
And speaking of baked hip-hop stars, some guy named Drew Magary (he'll always be "Big Daddy Drew" to us around here) profiles Snoop Dogg/Lion in the new issue of GQ and, in the name of journalism, apparently got stoned with him
Lil Wayne Got The Word ‘Baked’ Tattooed Across His Forehead
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